Spring Boot Learning Path

Learn Spring Boot from basics to advanced: REST APIs, microservices, security, reactive programming, and serverless applications


  1. Java Programming:

    • Basics: Classes, variables, loops, object-oriented programming (OOP), collections, and generics.

    • Advanced: Design patterns, JVM, threads, servlets and JSPs, concurrency, and garbage collection.

    • Build Tools: Maven, Gradle, Ant.

    • Servers: Tomcat, WebLogic, JBOSS, WebSphere, Jetty.

    • Testing: Unit testing, integration testing with JUnit and Mockito.

    • Logging: Log4j, Log4j2, Logback.

  2. Spring Framework:

    • Core: Bean life cycle, dependency injection, inversion of control, bean factory, and application context.

    • Web: Annotations, MVC structure, configurations, integrating different libraries/frameworks, profiles.

    • AOP: Understanding how AOP works, creating pointcuts, join points, and aspects.

1. Getting Started with Spring Framework

  • Overview of the Spring Framework and its ecosystem.

  • Key terms and concepts used in Spring.

  • Understanding the architecture of the Spring Framework.

  • Why Spring? Benefits and reasons for using Spring.

  • Different ways to configure Spring applications.

  • Dependency Injection: Core concept of Spring for managing dependencies.

  • Spring IOC: Inversion of Control and its implementation in Spring.

  • Spring AOP: Aspect-Oriented Programming in Spring for cross-cutting concerns.

    • Join Points: Points in the program execution where aspects can be applied.

    • Pointcuts: Expressions that define where advice should be applied.

    • Advice: Action taken by an aspect at a particular join point.

    • Aspects: Modules that encapsulate cross-cutting concerns.

    • Weaving: Process of linking aspects with other application types or objects to create an advised object.

  • Spring MVC:

    • Servlet: Java classes for handling requests and responses.

    • JSP Files: JavaServer Pages for building dynamic web content.

    • Architecture: Understanding the architecture of Spring MVC.

    • Components: Key components of the Spring MVC framework.

  • Annotations: Common annotations used in Spring for configuration and development.

  • Spring Bean Scope: Different scopes of beans in Spring.

2. Spring Boot Basics

  • Understand the difference between Spring and Spring Boot.

  • Create a "Hello World" application using Spring Boot.

  • Learn about Spring Boot Starter Parent and create a multi-module Maven project.

  • Build a basic CRUD REST API using annotations like @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, and @DeleteMapping

  • Change the default port and context path of an embedded server.

  • Disable the startup banner and get all loaded beans with class type information.

  • Configure custom PropertyEditor and CommandLineRunner.

  • Configure Jetty and embedded Tomcat servers.

  • Read files from the resources folder and inject application arguments.

  • Manage application properties and YAML configuration.

  • Understand Spring Boot logging and application configuration.

3. Spring Boot Advanced

  • Learn how Spring Boot simplifies application development with its opinionated approach.

  • Understand how Spring Boot auto-configures beans and components.

  • Learn to customize and add configurations as needed.

  • Manage application settings using properties and YAML files.

  • Integrations with Other Libraries/Frameworks.

4. Building REST APIs

  • Design REST APIs using Spring Boot and Spring MVC.

  • Implement internationalization, response compression, and JSON data handling.

  • Add custom headers and retry mechanisms.

  • Document APIs with Swagger and Springdoc-OpenAPI.

  • Use OpenFeign for REST client creation.

  • Learn REST API best practices, including exception handling and testing.

  • Understand HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, TRACE) and status codes (1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, 5XX).

5. Persistence

  • Learn Database:

    • SQL: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle.

    • NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra.

    • Spring Data: Spring Data JPA, Spring Data MongoDB, Spring Data JDBC.

  • Hibernate:

    • Transactions: Managing database transactions in Hibernate.

    • Relationships: Mapping relationships between entities.

    • Entity Lifecycle: Understanding the lifecycle of entities in Hibernate..

  • Work with SQL databases using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, and HikariCP.

  • Configure multiple data sources and caching with Ehcache and Caffeine.

  • Implement CRUD operations and pagination.

  • Use database migration tools like Flyway or Liquibase.

6. Security

  • Authentication: Mechanisms for verifying user identity.

  • Authorization: Controlling access to resources based on user roles.

  • OAuth2: Protocol for authorization and secure API access.

  • JWT Authentication: Using JSON Web Tokens for stateless authentication.

  • Implement CORS, SSL, and role-based security.

  • Secure REST APIs with OAuth2, JWT, and basic authentication.

  • Learn Spring Security basics and advanced concepts like OAuth2 and form authentication.

7. Microservices

  • Learn Microservices:

    • Spring Cloud: Gateway, Config, Circuit Breaker, OpenFeign, Sleuth, and other projects as needed.

    • DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure).

    • Microservices Patterns: Aggregator, CQRS, SAGA, Event Sourcing.

    • Microservices Queues: SQS, Kafka, RabbitMQ.

  • Understand microservices architecture and its benefits.

  • Implement design patterns and secure microservices with OAuth2.

8. Logging, Monitoring, and Deployment

  • Use Spring Boot profiles, Dev Tools, and Actuator for monitoring.

  • Implement AOP and package applications as WAR or JAR.

  • Dockerize applications and configure logging with Log4j2 and Lombok.

  • Deploy applications using Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud platforms.

9. Testing

  • Test Spring Boot applications using JUnit, Mockito, and TestRestTemplate.

  • Perform integration testing with MockMVC and WireMock.

  • Explore advanced testing techniques with @RestClientTest and @DataJpaTest.

10. Spring RestTemplate and WebClient

  • Use RestTemplate for REST API interactions, including basic auth and timeouts.

  • Transition to WebClient for non-blocking requests and explore its features.

11. Async Programming

  • Build asynchronous REST APIs with @EnableAsync and SseEmitter.

  • Test async controllers with MockMvc and explore RSocket.

12. Advanced Topics

  • Dive into Spring Boot auto-configuration and custom starters.

  • Explore Spring Boot's integration with GraphQL, SOAP, and JMS.

  • Learn about new features in Spring Boot 3, such as ProblemDetail and ErrorResponse.

13. Reactive Programming

  • Explore reactive programming with Spring WebFlux.

  • Understand the Reactor library and its components like Mono and Flux.

  • Implement reactive REST APIs and integrate with reactive data sources.

14. Event-Driven Architecture

  • Learn about event-driven architecture and its benefits.

  • Use Spring Cloud Stream for building event-driven microservices.

  • Integrate with messaging systems like Kafka and RabbitMQ.

15. Serverless Applications

  • Explore serverless architecture and its use cases.

  • Deploy Spring Boot applications as serverless functions using AWS Lambda or Azure Functions.

16. Exploring Behind the Scenes

  • Understand how Spring Boot auto-configuration works.

  • Learn about architecture concepts like Domain Driven Design (DDD) and modular monoliths.

  • Explore Spring Modulith for building modular monolithic applications.